Membership Form


UPDA Membership :

UP Distillers Association an Apex Body of Distillery Industry established in 1983 and ever since been the crowning glory of the Distillery Industry. Now, as we celebrate a momentous milestone in 2023, marking four decades of excellence, UPDA stands tall as the unrivalled leader. Our unwavering commitment to quality and innovation has earned official recognition from various state government departments, including Excise, Pollution, Industry, Taxation, and Labour.

As we continue to drive excellence in the Distillery Industry we are expanding our wings on Central Bio-fuels arena taking deep drive into future feedstock primarily Maize & providing suggestions to Government for price fixation of Ethanol. Besides entering into collaboration with Agricultural Institute, we are proud to be invited by US Government, representing State on Biofuels subject.

We invite to UP Distilleries to become a part of the UP Distillers’ Association (UPDA) family. Here’s why you should consider joining UPDA which offers :

  • Advocacy : Represent Members to Govt. authorities, advocating for industry-friendly policies.
  • Knowledge Hub: Disseminating information on Biofuels-Alcohol and allied industries.
  • Legislation Support: Active involvement in promoting & protecting, industry-related legislation.
  • Data Insights: Collecting and sharing industry statistics and information.
  • Member Support: Offering assistance in areas of Innovative technologies.
  • Annual Summits: Organizing an Annual International Summit with collaborating Countries & industry experts.


Any Distillery manufacturing and selling Liquor and / or Alcohol in the state of Uttar Pradesh and having their offices in Delhi/ NCR shall be eligible for membership of the Association subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria under respective category of membership. Liquor and/or Alcohol would be interpreted as portable IMFL or Country Liquor in the manufacturer’s own brand(s) within the state of U.P. Distilleries attached to their captive sugar units shall be eligible for New Membership subject to fulfilling the criteria laid down in Clause 3 (b) below. Any New Membership request received, UPDA shall put-up the same to the Patron Members & subject to consent from the majority, the same shall be subsequently put-up for consideration & final approval from Managing Committee.

Each Distillery shall have to pay separate subscription. Every such unit whether under the same management or different management, or having separate or composite Industrial Licence if situated at district location shall pay separate subscription. Notwithstanding anything contained in this clause, the Managing Committee shall have the power to conclusively decide about the eligibility or the determination of subscription.

To become a Member of UPDA, kindly DOWNLOAD the Membership Form and provide the required details. This however does not reserve the Membership which is subject the approval by the Managing Committee.